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Adding A Water Profile

1 min read

Adding additions to the water you use to brew with will improve your beer and SBC makes it easy to calculate the additions needed to achieve the water profile you desire. To start click on the Water profile button located under the Ingredients heading.

The Water Profile screen will be displayed.

If you entered your starting water profile in the SBC configuration then your starting water profile will be filled in. If using distilled water you can click the Distilled Water option.

On the left side you can select from common beer style profiles, historic water profiles, water profiles that you have created and saved in SBC or create a new custom water profile. For Our House Stout we want to use the Sweet Stout water profile. To select this water profile start by clicking the Beer Style Profiles and then Sweet Stout from the pull down menu. The water additions will be displayed and these are the amounts you add to your starting water.

The Water Profile information is shown as well.

Below the Water Profile you will see the final water profile based on the addition amounts listed.

To make the brew day easier the water profile can be printed by clicking on the Print Water Profile button. The water profile printout will look something like the one below.