My Recipes

You can access your My Recipes folder by clicking on the Recipes tab and then the My Recipes Button.

My Recipes will contain all of the recipes that you have added to it from the Community Recipes, recipes you have imported as well as the recipes that you have created. The left side will display all of your recipes. Clicking on a recipe will display additional information about that recipe on the right side.

Should you want to delete a recipe you can click on the recipe you want to delete and then the Delete Recipe button which is located at the bottom right. You will be prompted to confirm you want to delete the recipe as it will be unrecoverable if deleted.

You can also add a recipe to your OnDeck making it available to your Pico to brew. To do this simply click on the recipe you want to add and then the Add To OnDeck button. You will receive a window asking you to confirm that you want to add it to your OnDeck as seen below.

If you click the Yes button you will receive the following window confirming the recipe has been added to your OnDeck.

You can also add a recipe to your Shopping List from the My Recipes folder. Simply click on the recipe you want to add and then the Add To Shopping List button.

After clicking on Yes to confirm you wanted to add the recipe to your shopping list you will receive the following message.

In addition to the above options you can also open a recipe in the Recipe Creator by clicking on the recipe you want to open and then the Open In The Recipe Creator button.