To start adding Miscs ingredients click the Miscs button located under the Ingredients heading.
This will switch to the listing of Miscs ingredients. To the right of the listing are the buttons you will use to Add, Remove, Modify as well as add any Miscs ingredients that are not already contained in the SBC ingredient database.
Let’s start adding the Miscs ingredient for Our House Stout to the recipe by clicking on the Add button
The Miscs database will now be shown and you can select from the listing as well as search the database for a specific ingredient rather than scrolling through the list.
The ingredient we want to add to Our House Stout is a Whirlfloc Tablet. You can search for this ingredient or scroll down the list until you locate it and then click on the ingredient.
Some Miscs ingredients will ask for the amount of the ingredient in weight like you have gotten used to with fermentables and hops however some ingredients will ask for a description. In this case we want to add 1/2 of a tablet so we would type 1/2 Tablet into the description. We want this to be added to the wort for a total of 5 minutes so we will type 5 into the Amount of time box. This is our only Miscs addition so all we need to do is click the Add Then Return To Recipe button. If you clicked the Add To Recipe button you can click the Cancel button to return to the recipe.
Back on the main Recipe Creator screen you will now see the ingredient that you have added.
If you needed to remove an ingredient you would click on that ingredient and then click the Remove button. To modify an ingredient you would click on the ingredient and then the Modify button. You can click the Manual Addition Button to add a Miscs ingredient that is not already in the SBC databases – this will be discussed in a different document