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Mobile Hotspot Configuration

2 min read

The Mobile Hotspot that is part of Windows 10 and Windows 11 is the easiest way to get your Picobrew devices connected to SBC. The following are the best settings for your Mobile Hotspot. You can use your on Network Name and Password should you not want to use the ones shown. You can access the Mobile Hotspot from the Configuration screen in SBC by clicking on the Mobile Hotspot Setup button or by typing Mobile Hotspot in the Windows seachbox.

Below is the Mobile Hotspot Window. Click the Edit button to change the Network name, password as Network band while available.

Type the Network name and password you want to use for your Mobile Hotspot. These are used to connect your Pico machines to SBC.

If your Edit network info window also has an option for Network Band then click the down arrow located in that box and select the 2.4GHz option. The Picobrew devices do not support 5GHz and need that option to connect. If you do not have this option then your network card could be older and only supports the 2.4GHz band. Click the Save button to save your settings.

You will need to turn on your Mobile Hotspot if it is currently off and it is also recommended that you turn off the Power Saving option as this can cause issues.

After you have completed any changes to your Mobile Hotspot you can close this window. In the future you can turn on your Mobile Hotspot from this page or from the Windows Notifications located at the far right of the Windows Taskbar. To turn on the Mobile hotspot from the Windows Notifications click the Windows Notifications icon.

If the Mobile Hotspot icon is not shown click on the Expand option.

If the Mobile Hotspot is turned off the button will simply read Mobile Hotspot. Click on the botton to turn on the Mobile Hotspot.

When the mobile hotspot is turned on it will show how many devices are currently connected to it out of the maximum eight that it allows. In the image above no devices are connected so it shows 0/8. This also shows the network name of your Mobile Hotspot.