The recipe creator allows you to create, scale, modify recipes and so much more. To start click on the Recipe Tab to display the recipe options. From here you can access the recipes you have saved in your My Recipes, access the Community Recipes, start a new Pico C/S/Pro or Z / Zymatic recipe, access your Shopping list as well as load or scale standard BeerXML recipes. To start a new recipe for the Pico C/S/Pro click on the New 1/32G / 5L Recipe button.

A blank recipe will be opened ready for you to start crafting your new recipe. The Recipe Creator is divided up into three main sections. The top section contains the recipe details such as the recipe name, batch size, etc. The large bottom left section is where you will add, modify or remove the recipe’s ingredients. You also have access to create the brewing profiles for the Pico C/S/Pro and or Z/Zymatics, view or create a standard Mash Profile that is used for other brewing methods, add your fermentation schedule as well as carbonation details.

The bottom right is the live update section showing your recipe statistics, the style statistics and gives you options to save, print, add to your OnDeck and more.